Talk NoNo*Gamy

Regenbogenhaus Zürich, Zollstrasse 117, 8005 Zürich, Schweiz, House of Books and Fluid

"Talk NoNo*Gamy", the English version of the Polygespräch. It is an open talk round with minimal moderation about diverse forms of consensual non-monogamy. We talk about our own experiences, joys and challenges of living our own version of it.After the event some of us will spend time at the Osso.Questions? [email protected] by HAZ– Queer Zürich.

Talk *Amory

Regenbogenhaus Zürich, Zollstrasse 117, 8005 Zürich, Schweiz, House of Books and Fluid

"Talk *Amory", the English version of the Polygespräch. It is an open talk round with minimal moderation about diverse forms of consensual non-monogamy. We talk about our own experiences, joys and challenges of living our own version of it.After the event some of us will spend time at the Osso.Questions? [email protected]

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